Loot Audio Vektor KONTAKT 电影合成器

大小:2.87 GB
Nova 展示了“Vektor”,这是一种独特的基于弦乐的电影 Kontakt 乐器,它为创作从戏剧性的史诗线索到优美的最小音轨的任何事物树立了新标准。
超过 3GB 的详细和变形的独特弦乐器、纹理和声音设计。
116 乐器
包括 201 个快照
10 个源移动预设
10 个过滤器移动预设
'Source Movement'操作板,控制增益分配比
“调制页面”,包含 4 个 LFO 模块,用于调制任何源参数,以及 4 个包络模块,用于控制多个不同源参数的动态
9 种控制声音的效果(合唱、混响、延迟、空间、失真、滤波器、相位、天赋和 Lofi。

Product Overview
Nova presents “Vektor” a unique stringed based cinematic Kontakt instrument thats sets a new standard for creating anything from dramatic epic cues to beautiful minimal tracks.
“Vektor” allows multiple ways to morph and manipulate the sample sound sources through a unique set of parameters, allowing any idea in your imagination to transfer to sound with ease. From its unique “Filter Movement” and “Source Movement” manipulations to its innovative “drag and drop” capabilities no sound is impossible. Each of the four sound sources can be independently adjusted through a whole range of parameters, making possibilities endless.
Key Features
Over 3GB of detailed and morphed unique strings instruments, textures and sound design.
116 Instruments
201 Snapshots included
467 Beautifully Crafted Samples
10 Source Movement Presets
10 Filter Movement Presets
‘Source Movement’ Manipulation Pad, controlling the Gain Distribution Ratio
‘Filter Movement’ Manipulation Pad, controlling Filter Cutoff & Resonance on either all sources, or per-source
‘Horizontal’, ‘Vertical’ & ‘Circular’ Modulation Units, for both Manipulation Pads
‘Modulation Page’, containing 4 LFO Modules, for modulating any source parameter, alongside 4 Envelope Modules, for controlling the dynamics of multiple different source parameters
Each of the four sound sources can be independently controlled. (Pitch, Pan, Env, EQ, Filter, Level ect)
Solo, Power, Random and Reverse functions for each source.
Adjustable start and end sample points.
Auto mapping drag and drop, with loop feature.
9 Effects to manipulate the sound (Chorus, Reverb, Delay, Spatial, Distortion, Filter, Phasis, Flair and Lofi.
Randomise Feature
Tempo Synchronised